Women’s Skate contest
Vendor & Sponsorship

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

About the Event

Carve Bunnies, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women and girls through participation in male-dominated sports, is thrilled to announce our upcoming event, “Skate Today, Thrive Tomorrow.” This event aims to bring together young girls and women to engage in skateboarding, fostering community, empowerment, and active lifestyles. Additionally, the event will bring various skateboarding and rollerblading communities to support the proposal of a new skate park in the development of Fresh Kills park.

Why Sponsor Us?

An exciting opportunity for your company to become a key partner in our upcoming event by providing sponsorship.

Your sponsorship will not only provide valuable exposure for your business but also support the Fresh Kills Park development project and assist our non-profit organization in advancing women in sports. Together, we can ensure the success of this event and bring about positive change within the community.

We would be thrilled to have your company on board as our sponsor. Please fill out the form below if interested.

Engage with the Community

By participating, your business will have the opportunity to engage directly with the local community. You can interact with potential customers, understand their needs, and build strong relationships.

Promote Your Brand

Showcase your products and services to a diverse audience. Hand out coupons, discount codes, and informational materials to increase brand awareness and drive future sales.

Support a Great Cause

By supporting the “Skate Today, Thrive Tomorrow” event, your business will be contributing to the development of Fresh Kills Park and the proposal of a new skate park on Staten Island. This shows your commitment to the community and promotes positive social responsibility.

Tax Deduction

Since this is a no-vending event, all support provided by businesses is considered a tax-deductible donation under our 501(c)(3) status. This offers a financial benefit to your company while supporting a worthwhile cause.

Networking Opportunities

Meet and connect with other local businesses, potential partners, and stakeholders who share your interest in community development and support for youth and sports.

How to Get Involved:

Showcase Your Products: Set up a booth to display your products and engage with event attendees.
Hand Out Coupons and Discount Codes: Distribute promotional materials to encourage future sales.
Raise Awareness: Use this platform to inform the community about your products and services.
Support the Community: Demonstrate your business’s commitment to community support and development.

In-Kind Sponsor


Product/Service Donations: Donate products or services to support the event.
Recognition on Materials: Recognition on event website and select materials.
Social Media Mention: Mention on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Community Sponsor - $100


Logo on Website: Your logo on the event website.
Social Media Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Bronze Sponsor - $200


Logo on Flyers: Your logo on event flyers and the event website.
Social Media Mention: Mention on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Silver Sponsor - $300


Logo on Materials: Your logo on select event materials, including banners, flyers, and the event website.
Social Media Mentions: Mentions on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: third choice of Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Gold Sponsor - $800


Logo Placement: Your logo on event materials, including banners, flyers, t-shirts, and the event website.
Secondary Banner: Banner with your logo within confines of the park.
Social Media Shoutouts: Multiple mentions on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: second choice of exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Platinum Sponsor - $1,000


Prominent Logo Placement: Your logo prominently displayed on all event materials, including banners, flyers, t-shirts, and the event website.
Main entrance Banner: Large banner with your logo at the main entrance.
Social Media Promotion: Featured posts on all social media channels leading up to and during the event.
Press Release Mention: Inclusion in all event press releases and media coverage.
Exhibit Space: First choice of Exhibit space for your company and ability to setup a booth or tent at location of your choosing within confines of the park.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Food & Beverage Sponsor

provide Food, drinks or snacks


Logo on Food/Beverage Stations: Your logo displayed at all food and beverage stations.
Social Media Recognition: Recognition on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Entertainment Sponsor $1,000


Logo on Stage: Your logo displayed on the entertainment areas.
Social Media Mentions: Multiple mentions on social media channels.
Exhibit Space: Exhibit space for your company’s booth.

Custom Sponsorship Packages


Tailored Packages: We can create a custom sponsorship package that aligns with your company’s goals and budget.
Flexible Benefits: Choose from various benefits, including logo placement, social media mentions, and exhibit space.

How to Sponsor

To become a sponsor please complete form below.
For any questions about sponsorship, collaboration or vending please email us at
To learn more about us

Closing Note

This is a no vending event. Cash transactions are strictly prohibited. Donations are welcome and are tax deductible under 501c(3). Your sponsorship will not only offer significant visibility for your business but also contribute to the NYC Fresh Kills Park development project and assist our non-profit organization efforts to empower women in sports. Collaboratively, we can ensure the success of this event and bring about positive change within the community.