upcomming Events FOR 2025
December 13 Board 4 Breast cancer @ Loon Mountain, NH
DECEMBER 18: Youth Initiative First Aid Skills, CPR training
JANUARY 11-18: Women’s Ski Trip @ Val Thorens, France
JANUARY 23: XGames @ Aspen, Colorado
JANUARY 25: Group ride and tailgate @ Blue Mountain, PA
FEBRUARY 5: Youth Innitiative First Aid Skills, CPR Training
MARCH 14: Annual Shred Sesh and Tailgate @ Okemo, Vermont
MARCH 14-16: Annual Girls Trip @ Killiington, Vermont
OCTOBER : Breast Cancer Awareness month events TBA
We organize a diverse range of events, including ski trips, group rides, community engagement activities, and advocacy initiatives. If you have an idea for an event, group ride or innitiavite please fillout the forms below.
Group Rides
Check out our social media for upcoming group rides